Personal Safes for Travelling

Personal Safes for Travelling

August 2, 2016 Comments Off on Personal Safes for Travelling By admin

There are many personal safes to choose between but not many of them are suitable for travelling. If your backpacking and want a  compact safe to store your small valuable possessions, then you may want to consider the Helix Personal Safe. If you want a secure storage solution in the hostel or hotel room, the Helix personal safe includes a tether with a small-scale solution and more importantly, peace of mind. The tether is tied inside keeping the lid nice and secure, so it will seriously take a long time for a determined burglar to crack this safe. Personal safes can be great for travelling and this compact solution could be just the ticket. It’s very affordable too, whilst it’s finished in black so it’s not easy to find when stored in a dark place. Even though it’s relatively strong you should always keep it well hidden otherwise it may draw attention.