Tag Archive Home Security

CCTV in your Home

August 13, 2021 Comments Off on CCTV in your Home By Andy

CCTV can be very effective when it comes to the security of your home. It allows the homeowner to monitor their property. Yet, it can also act as a deterrent if the cameras are easily seen.

If you live in a high crime area or you’ve been the victim of property damage or burglary, you may wish to consider investing in home CCTV equipment. Prices for home CCTV cameras and installation can vary significantly depending on the features you want to include and how many cameras you would like installed. Camera quality and memory also differ, depending on the product you buy. At the same time, advanced equipment often includes a night vision camera lens.

Some home CCTV systems allow you to watch what’s happening at your property live, either on your work computer or mobile.

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