Will Gated Communities Ever Come to the UK?

Will Gated Communities Ever Come to the UK?

June 20, 2015 Comments Off on Will Gated Communities Ever Come to the UK? By admin

The title of this article is a bit of a misnomer, as they are already here. The article is really about; what are the advantages of gated communities, and will we ever see them as regularly as they can be found in the USA for example?

In terms of the advantages of a gated community; you have near absolute control over here can and cannot enter the neighbourhood. This can be both an irritation and reassurance, in the sense that it can onerous to invite guests round to your home, but reassuring that somebody can’t just stroll into your neighbourhood and rob you or your neighbours. The thing is though, a gated community is still only one line of defence, and anyone who is motivated can quite easily cross that line.

Regarding the profligacy of gated communities; the chances are definitely in the favour of there not being many more than there are now. In fact, there is a good chance that the number will actually shrink, due in part to the lack of demand, but also because there has been a lot of pushback politically, as many believe they further segregate the nation along class lines.